Monday, April 13, 2009

So this Easter was pretty great, even though I had to work in the morning. I only had two tables and only ended up making ten dollars, but whatever. Bill came and got me, I worked on my sculpture project, and then Nick and I went to my parents' for dinner. It was nice seeing a few people, but what will be even better will be my sister's graduation party next month because that's when the whole damn fam will be there. Even though they're slightly nuts and even a little dysfunctional at times, I love my family. After dinner, Nick and I went to the Flyers game and even though they lost the last game of the season, we still had a good time and we got to watch Sean Avery run away from Hartnell like the little bitch that he is at the very end of the game.

Today I had my sculpture crit which went about as well as it could considering I waited until yesterday to actually do the project. I left the city around 10:30, came home, got back in bed and tried to fall asleep which was practically impossible considering a drank a huge Starbuck's coffee on the train. So Nick and I went to the diner and got some breakfast and I had enough time to take a nap before going to work tonight. In conclusion, life hasn't been too eventful but I am certainly not complaining because everything eventful in my life prior to the month of April has been one terrible thing after another. Thank you, April, for giving me hope that things are turning around.

And of course, RIP Harry Kalas. Philadelphia and it's Phillies fans definitely suffered a huge loss today.

Time for a cigarette, to fold my laundry, and then bed.

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