Tuesday, April 28, 2009

It's the last week of classes and so far I missed my entire class yesterday and my AM class this morning, but oh well. The only reason I was concerned because my teacher for today's class tried to fail my last semester for my excessive absences but when we sat down and talked, he was pretty cool about it. He's one of those teachers I completely hate but I feel like there's a certain level we understand each other on, so I guess it all works out.

So growing up, I used to horseback ride. I competed and the whole nine yards but once high school hit, I stopped. It was a weird situation where my trainer left the place I was at and I had to make a choice between my social/work life and continuing to do it and I dropped it and I wish I had made a different decision because I really miss it. Maybe not so much the competition aspect of it, but still. Anyway, my cousin's wife has a horse she keeps out at a place in Atco and when we were out to dinner the other night, she asked if I would start going out there and riding because she doesn't always have the time and I was ecstatic to say yes. It makes me feel better about having something productive to do with my summer free time. 

Otherwise, not too much is going on. Joe and I are meeting up tonight to order shirts for the Makeout Party summer tour so I can get them all printed up as quickly as possible. I'm still waiting to hear back from Lori about using the studios this summer but even if they tell me I can't, I'm sure I can find a way around that. Or at least I hope.