Friday, April 10, 2009

I really love my life right now. Except for that $119 ticket and a possible court appearance I received for my accident.

There's only three weeks left of classes and a lot of art to get done in the meantime, but I've already started planning out art I'm going to be doing over the summer. I just e-mailed my advisor to ask if undergrad students even have access to the studios during the summer but even if they don't, I don't really care because I'll find a way around that. I already have a couple ideas and even some positives made for prints I want to do. I'm also going to try to make at least one design for some JBSP shirts as well as doing some major work on DG4L. I'm also going to be doing about 100 shirts for Makeout Party's summer tour. As much as I love school, it sucks that you have absolutely no time for the art that you want to do on your own. You have complete freedom when you make your own art but not every class at UArts gives you that freedom. I'm tired of all the guidelines and I just want to make what I want to make, so having a good four months to do so is going to be amazing. Plus, I'm pretty sure my junior and senior year will be a lot more open to preparing my portfolio as opposed to actually learning techniques so I'm sure I'll have a lot more freedom then, too. 

I picked all my classes for next year and my schedule will be as follows: on Mondays I have Drawing: Form and Space from 8:30 to 4. On Tuesdays, I have Abnormal Psychology from 1-4 and Bodily and Spiritual Love from 4-7. On Wednesday, I have Lithography from 8:30-4. On Thursday, I have Attitudes and Strategies from 1-7. On Friday, I have Print Study Seminar from 10-12. It's a bit of a packed schedule but it still allows me to work Friday through Sunday, so it's not so bad. I had to pack my schedule as thick as possible this semester due to the fact that I withdrew from a class last semester. Oh well.

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