Monday, March 2, 2009

This blizzard, which I was completely unaware was even headed our way until yesterday, is my saving grace. I definitely did not even start my sculpture project that is due today and classes are cancelled which means I have a total of two more weeks to finish it because next week is spring break. It doesn't get any more awesome than that.

My dad has stepped in as my hero once again and really helped me out with my rent this month. I can say that I literally have the best dad in the whole world. If he only had any idea about how truly poor I am and what a big deal this is to me. Hopefully this means I can actually put the money I have now away so I stop living by scraping pennies to pay the rent every first of the month. Not to mention the massive amounts of money I owe Gregg can hopefully start to be paid back.

I can't say for sure what's going on anymore because life has been so unexpected in both positive and negative ways lately, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best because I can't help but wish everything just starts falling into place for me.

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