Friday, March 20, 2009

So on Wednesday night, I was driving on 676. Someone cut off the person in front of me and that car then slammed on their brakes. I slammed on mine but it really didn't do anything for me. Everything happened in a split second - all I remember is brake lights in front of me, my face slamming into my steering wheel, and then looking up and not being able to see out my windshield because my entire hood was up in my face.

I'm really lucky and surprised after actually seeing the damage that I'm okay. My jaw, chin, neck, back, and shoulders are all pretty sore but otherwise I'm fine. Considering how hard I hit my face on the steering wheel, I'm really surprised I didn't break something. I guess I should consider myself lucky. I can't say the same for my car though - it's completely totaled.

But in the moment as I sat shaking in my car from just pure shock at what had happened, I felt I hit my breaking point. I felt like at the same time I hit that car I hit a brick wall in my life. So much has gone wrong since this year started that I'm honestly not sure how much more I can take. But I felt a lot better after I had a talk with my dad. He is honestly the most incredible person ever and I am so lucky to have him as my father. I am constantly fucking up and he is always there to clean up the pieces and get me back on my feet. He pointed out that basically, shit happens and it's the way you handle it that really matters because you can't always help things. That's life. It's always going to test you and what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. You have to step up to the plate or get the fuck out of the game.

I'm hoping things will turn around for the better soon. For my own sanity, at least.

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