Sunday, March 29, 2009

Once again, I've been slacking on this so I guess there's quite a bit to catch up on.

After my car accident, just when I thought things couldn't possibly get any worse - they went and did. It's as if since the day 2009 came into effect, life has just been shitting on me and I really have reached my breaking point. But, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right? Then consider me a friggen body builder, seriously. I've been beating myself up so terribly over all of this but what I've realized isn't that it's just about waiting for the dust to settle and then moving on, it's about actually making the effort to change what it is that is wrong with/you don't like about your life and that's my next step. April is only two days away and I really am just looking for the new month to begin so I can feel as though I have a fresh start. Finishing out the semester with good grades is my absolute main focus right now because it's the one thing I cannot afford to fuck up.

I'm definitely looking forward to the summer because I feel like I haven't been taking full advantage of my free time the past few summers. I'm going to be moving back home in September due to financial reasons and just for the sake of getting my feet back on the ground again, so it's pretty imperative that I make the most of the time I have left living in this house with my roommates. I also want to take plenty of road/day trips. The shore is obvious plus I'm going to North Carolina with my sister and cousins. Nick and I discussed a possible road trip to Canada, so we'll see how everything pans out.

This summer is also going to be time to really sit down and put work into DG4L and JBSP because they're both things I enjoy and want to put more serious time and effort into. With my accident, Mike being sick, and just our busy schedules in general thanks to good old UArts, what we did start is still coming along slowly but at least getting somewhere. We're working out the kinks with everything and hoping to have a bunch of fresh shirts to rock come the middle of summer.

I'm sure there's a bunch of more crap I can talk about, like how my bracket "crashed and burned" (way to fuck everything up for me, Duke) but I have to get up and make the commute to the city in about seven hours and I'm sleep deprived as is so I'm ending it here.