Wednesday, May 27, 2009

So the other night Nick and I were bored and decided to go find some ghosts. It didn't quite work out that way, but I was scared shitless that night regardless. We found out about this road in Pemberton called Mt. Misery and figured since it wasn't far, we'd check it out. The research we did prior to our explanation told us it's basically this Methodist Retreat Center out in the middle of the woods and if you turn off down one of the dirt roads, you'll find a big wooden cross with an altar and a bunch of wooden pews - creepy.

So we found the road which surprised me because I had doubts about that even happening, and as soon as we turned down the road I wanted to turn around because it just gave me a weird feeling and it was just plain scary. The trees made a tunnel practically and there wasn't a single light on the whole road. It was hardly paved and you just felt like you were out in the middle of nowhere, which isn't exactly a good feeling. We didn't end up going to find the outdoor church or whatever because I didn't even want to get out of the car, but we have plans to go back at some point.

Last night I met up with Joe for some Starbucks because he is leaving for tour for the next six weeks and then I went over to Lou's in Philadelphia to see Mike and some people.

Tonight I think I'm having dinner with my crazy mother, but other than that I have no plans. I'm excited the weather turned around today though and hopefully it will be nice out tonight!

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