Saturday, May 2, 2009

So as it turns out, the printmaking studios are going to be closed for renovations this summer which is a total downer. I was really looking forward to dedicating this summer to making my own art without any of the limitations of class projects. However, where there is a will there is a way. I e-mailed an old teacher of mine who also teaches at Moore to see if maybe I could pay to use their studios which is probably unlikely because I'm not a Moore student. What seems more likely, though, is using the facilities at Space 1026, a gallery/studio in Philadelphia. You can intern there or pay to use the studios. I'm willing to do either as long as interning works around my work schedule. I e-mailed them this afternoon and am hoping they get back to me soon.

Last night I went and saw Fire in the Eyes and Fear Before and then hung out at Rowan for a little bit, all of which was a pretty good time. But ever since my car accidents, back and neck pains come in these random spurts for me and when it happens, it kills. Some pretty intense headaches tend to come along with these spurts, so I'm thinking I should probably get it all checked out. Today I'm going to a communion party with Nick for one of his cousins and tonight we're going on a double date. We were supposed to go to Bamboozle today, but with how broke I am it's going to have to wait until next year. I'm not that disappointed - the lineup really wasn't THAT amazing. Life is great but it will be so much better once finals are over and summer is officially here.

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