Friday, January 30, 2009

No, fuck this. I have spent way too much time getting back to being a happy, productive human being after everything that has happened and just because things have been off lately doesn't mean I am going to sit back and watch that all fall apart again. All the sitting inside instead of going out, all the sleeping all day whether it be through classes or not, etc... it ends here.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Totally snowed in. I couldn't even see my car this morning because it was so buried in snow, not to mention even if I did free it I wouldn't have been able to get out of my driveway because I have no shovel to shovel it. And although UArts decided to completely suck and not cancel classes like every other school/university, I have decided to protest that decision by not going.

I have a job interview tomorrow.. at Applebee's. Sort of lame, but considering how hard it is for most people to find jobs right now I'm not really going to complain. I don't want to leave where I work now, but considering they close at 3 o'clock every day and I'm usually in school until 4, I'm not really working much and therefore not making money and therefore not being able to pay rent/bills. Gregg and I are probably going to grab lunch soon at his friend's restaurant/bar in Center City soon and talk about possibly me getting a job, which would be fantastic considering my plans to move back to Philly at the end of the summer.

Lately, I've felt really off, like the ground underneath my feet isn't always solid. It seems like every time something decent happens or comes my way, it's fleeting and before I know it, it disappeared or fell apart somehow. I'm just waiting for something to stay together for once. I just feel frustrated.

This made me feel a lot better, though.

Monday, January 26, 2009

I've come to the conclusion that I don't usually have a lot to write in here. Oh, except today my mom wined and dined a little too hard tonight and had a crazy case of road rage on some dude who wouldn't let her in his lane and she almost killed us both. Happy to still be here.

I'm going to let this blog be somewhere where I can keep track of not only words, thoughts, etc. but my art work too as it progresses. Except a lot to come soon considering I'm back in school and the projects are already piling up. The thing I'm most not looking forward to: sculpture class. 3-dimensional art and I are total enemies. It's going to take a friggen miracle for me to pass that class.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Best part about my hellish day at work:

"Do you have a sister who works here?"
"A sister who works here?"
"Yeah, she's got really blonde hair and she looks just like you."
"Oh, that girl? Oh, we're actually the same person."
"Oh.. really?"
"Yes.. really."

Clearly, the concept of hair dye went completely over these people's heads.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I'm currently looking for the Ryan Gosling to my Rachel McAdams, so whenever he feels like walking into my life would be great.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I survived through my first day of classes (all ten and a half hours straight of them. Tuesdays are going to be the bane of my existance). I can see the work starting to pile up already, but I'm honestly ready for it. I'm glad I took the winter break given as a time to rearrange my priorities and I'm ready to give this semester the best try I have. I was so unimpressed with my grades last semester and I'm ready to step up to the plate. One of the professors I have is one I had last semester for painting and he almost failed me for never showing up to his class, so I need to do everything in my power to show up every week and show him that that's not who I am because it seriously isn't.

What I enjoyed most about today was the fact that UArts put the inauguration on the big screen in Hamilton Hall and gave students the option to go. I didn't think I was going to get to see it due to class, but luckily I did. This is the first election I voted in and I thought it important to see the inauguration. Regardless of anyone's personal views of Barack Obama, you have to admit the man is an amazing public speaker. No one can say for sure if he will live up to the things he says he can do for this country, but we can all hope things can only get better from here. Everyone also needs to realize that they cannot just sit back and let Obama do all the work -- it is so important that we, as American citizens, do our part to help out to the best of our ability.

And way to blow it, Eagles. Here's to trying to win the Stanley Cup.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Personally, I'm a fan of snow (until it's been there for a few days and it's all melted and brown etc. of course). I hate cold weather, so I figure if it's going to be cold, it might as well snow. What I was not a fan of, however, was losing control of my car at least four times while driving tonight. If nothing else, I should be thankful I don't live somewhere where it snows often because my car is awful in the snow. I can't wait to move to the city and just get rid of that thing because it's a piece of crap anyway. I currently don't have a passenger side mirror, I can't unlock my car from the driver's side so I have to walk completely around to the other side to unlock it but there's no handle on that door so I have to walk around yet again to get in the car, my bumper is duct taped to my car (thanks, dad), etc. Nothing like your first car.

I can't believe that winter break is over already and tomorrow I will be in school from 8:30AM to 7PM. Tuesdays are officially now my least favorite day of the week. Winter break was an extremely necessary amount of time for me to really get my life together before the semester starts and I lose control of my life again. Having Fridays off this semester is going to be fabulous because there is nothing better than a long weekend every weekend.

Let the stress begin.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

It is imperative that I get a second job because I honestly don't want to be as strapped for cash as I was last semester. Trying to pay rent and bills while being a full-time student is so difficult. I went and applied at a few places today, including the Main Street Pub. I will die if I get hired there because I would be making great money and the Flyers tend to hang out there which is great because I'm trying to marry one of them and I've gotta start somewhere.

Tonight is the last night I can go out for winter break because I have a complete day off tomorrow and I'll be spending it at my mom's crib watching the Eagles game by myself and babysitting the dogs while she is away. Go Birds!

Friday, January 16, 2009

I really couldn't tell you why I allowed myself to get a blog, but here goes.

Yesterday was a pretty great day. I got an amazing pair of shoes for $20. Bargain shopping has been my thing lately and I must say that I am pretty amazing at it. Then, my mother (who even I must say is pretty boring and never does anything spontaneous or even fun in her life at all ever) got a puppy. Her name is Midge for midget because she was the runt of the litter and she is the new love of my life. She's boxer/Australian shepherd and she is pretty great.

Today, however, was sickeningly uneventful, but at least I cleaned my room and am getting laundry done. I'm almost looking forward to classes starting again because I cannot stand being bored anymore. And let me also add to my discussion of today that the stupid bitches that work at Family Dollar (where I go buy all my necessities for the house because it is just that freakin' cheap) suck. You are so incredibly rude it is amazing you still have a job.