Wednesday, May 27, 2009

So the other night Nick and I were bored and decided to go find some ghosts. It didn't quite work out that way, but I was scared shitless that night regardless. We found out about this road in Pemberton called Mt. Misery and figured since it wasn't far, we'd check it out. The research we did prior to our explanation told us it's basically this Methodist Retreat Center out in the middle of the woods and if you turn off down one of the dirt roads, you'll find a big wooden cross with an altar and a bunch of wooden pews - creepy.

So we found the road which surprised me because I had doubts about that even happening, and as soon as we turned down the road I wanted to turn around because it just gave me a weird feeling and it was just plain scary. The trees made a tunnel practically and there wasn't a single light on the whole road. It was hardly paved and you just felt like you were out in the middle of nowhere, which isn't exactly a good feeling. We didn't end up going to find the outdoor church or whatever because I didn't even want to get out of the car, but we have plans to go back at some point.

Last night I met up with Joe for some Starbucks because he is leaving for tour for the next six weeks and then I went over to Lou's in Philadelphia to see Mike and some people.

Tonight I think I'm having dinner with my crazy mother, but other than that I have no plans. I'm excited the weather turned around today though and hopefully it will be nice out tonight!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Let me just say before I even start this - I don't care if you think my entries are boring, Joseph Daniel Ryan. My life is boring.

So earlier this week, I went down the shore with Joe and Dustin and a bunch of the boys. We went to some party and messed with a bunch of drunk kids and then spent the night at Pat's parents' beach house (although it was unfortunate we couldn't go in the hot tub). I had an awesome time - until I woke up in the morning with a hacking cough that burned my entire chest to the point where I couldn't breathe. We headed home in the morning so Joe could get back to meet with the band's manager and I spent the rest of the day on my mom's couch having her cater to my very ill self. 

The next morning I got up, found someone to fill my work shift for me, printed 150 T-shirts, and then went to the mall to reward myself with some shopping. Due to being sick, I was in such a fog that I forgot my wallet in my car but left my keys on the counter of H&M when I went to get it out and then to top everything off, the doucher ringing me up forgot to take the censor off my new bag. Awesome!

The rest of my week consisted of working and missing out on fun activities due to being sick, but I'm starting to feel better. I had to dogsit Cooper last night and he made it a point to wake me up at least once every hour. It is difficult to ignore a German Shepherd that weighs more than you do jumping on you while you're sleeping. I got up early, had brunch with Gregg and Vanessa, started cleaning the apartment and organizing things to get ready for the move, took Danielle to the mall, went tanning, and cleaned my room. I feel extremely productive.

Possibly Atlantic City tonight with Ashley to play slots and demand free drinks?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Well, it's been a while but I can happily say I am officially on summer break. I still feel stressed out but I feel like that's because it hasn't really hit me yet. I still feel like tomorrow is the start of another week of class and I'm glad it really isn't. I'm going to be working constantly, but having a break from school for a few months is going to be very beneficial. My grades for the semester are as follows:

Sculpture - C+ (really really surprised I didn't do much worse because I put absolutely no effort into this class because I hate 3-D art)
Research Practices/Subjects and Formats - B+
Adult Psychology - A-
Etching/Screenprinting - B+

I'm pretty happy with my grades. Obviously I wish I could say I got all As, but it just didn't work out that way.

Last night was Vanessa's graduation party and I had a ball. Not totally sure what's going on tonight, but I'd love to get out of the house and get my summer started on the right foot. Khyber maybe, or the hookah bar again? Not sure, we'll see.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Summer starts tomorrow at approximately 4PM when my last final ends. Plans for summer include:

1) serious exercise, including bike rides with Tom and running with Ashley
2) reading a book a week, if not more often than that. I'm sure I could do far more than that if it weren't for what's sure to be a busy work schedule
3) going out to Atco to ride Melissa's horse a couple times a week
4) interning with Marisha in exchange for studio time which means hopefully plenty of independent artwork that I can actually be proud of

.. among other things, but those are all things I want to stick to and do on a regular basis.

Just trying to stay on my feet, ya dig?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

When am I ever going to learn that when you touch something hot, you're always going get burned?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I have absolutely no idea why I'm up this early, but I know it's not going to last. I'll probably have a cigarette and then pass right out again. I guess my internal alarm clock is used to going off before the sun comes up on Tuesdays.

My psychology final is today. I got an A on the midterm and a perfect grade on the paper, but I really think I have the potential to fail the final. I don't know how badly it will affect my grade, but considering I haven't handed in a single homework assignment in the past month or so and I have never participated, I need to do as well as possible to ensure I don't get a bad grade. If I want to make NYU happen, I need to start taking this art therapy thing a little more seriously. I also still have to go to the registrar and figure out why the hell I need department approval to register for Abnormal Psychology when it is my friggen minor.

Yesterday felt pretty productive. I had some time to sleep in and then I headed over to the studios to put in some serious work on the print for the print exchange. This is the project for my finals that will probably be the most labor and time intensive, so I'm trying to get it out of the way first. I got 4 out of the 8 layers done and am pretty happy with the way it is coming along so far. I still have to print all three of my etching plates, do my project for Subjects/Formats, and do my sculpture project, all of which I have absolutely no motivation to do with summer so close.

Happy Cindo de Mayo, by the way. I'm thoroughly looking forward to enjoying some Corona and lime with some lovely people tonight.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

So as it turns out, the printmaking studios are going to be closed for renovations this summer which is a total downer. I was really looking forward to dedicating this summer to making my own art without any of the limitations of class projects. However, where there is a will there is a way. I e-mailed an old teacher of mine who also teaches at Moore to see if maybe I could pay to use their studios which is probably unlikely because I'm not a Moore student. What seems more likely, though, is using the facilities at Space 1026, a gallery/studio in Philadelphia. You can intern there or pay to use the studios. I'm willing to do either as long as interning works around my work schedule. I e-mailed them this afternoon and am hoping they get back to me soon.

Last night I went and saw Fire in the Eyes and Fear Before and then hung out at Rowan for a little bit, all of which was a pretty good time. But ever since my car accidents, back and neck pains come in these random spurts for me and when it happens, it kills. Some pretty intense headaches tend to come along with these spurts, so I'm thinking I should probably get it all checked out. Today I'm going to a communion party with Nick for one of his cousins and tonight we're going on a double date. We were supposed to go to Bamboozle today, but with how broke I am it's going to have to wait until next year. I'm not that disappointed - the lineup really wasn't THAT amazing. Life is great but it will be so much better once finals are over and summer is officially here.